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Scranton physical therapist earns advanced certification in vestibular rehabilitation

  • Category: News, Physical Therapy
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  • Written By: Allied Services Integrated Health
Scranton physical therapist earns advanced certification in vestibular rehabilitation

Allied Services' Kori Wood, DPT, AVPT, recently earned Advanced Vestibular Physical Therapist Certification (AVPT) from the University of Pittsburgh. The AVPT Certification is a post-professional certification program for physical therapists who want to become experts in vestibular rehabilitation. Wood completed rigorous coursework and demonstrated clinical competency skills to achieve the advanced certification. 

Vestibular rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy commonly used for conditions such as vertigo and labyrinthitis that focuses on improving the relationship between the inner ear, brain, eyes, muscles, and nerves. The therapy can also reduce the risk of falling and improve balance, body strength, and the patient’s ability to stabilize vision.

Wood, who works at Allied Services Luger Scranton Rehab Center, is an experienced physical therapist regularly treating patients with various conditions, including balance and vestibular disorders, back and neck pain, and orthopedic injuries and conditions. The Montrose native joined Allied Services in 2005. 

About Vestibular Rehabilitation

Dizziness, vertigo, disequilibrium, blurred or bouncing vision, nausea, and anxiety are common symptoms that may result from an issue with your vestibular system. These symptoms may range from mild, lasting only seconds or minutes to severe, restricting activity.

Our specially trained therapists help patients decrease dizziness, minimize falls, reduce their need for medication, and improve activity levels. Using the latest advancements in technology and knowledge from experts trained in vestibular rehabilitation, our team will develop a program specifically tailored to your needs.