You can contribute to any of the Allied Services programs to support services provided to our patients and their families. You have the option to designate a gift to a particular area of importance to you or allow us to select based on need.
Do you ever have trouble finding just the right gift? Never seem to know what to give to your mother, father, spouse or best friend? Why not consider the commemorative giving program at Allied Services Foundation.
At the same time, your gift will help Allied Services continue providing outstanding pediatric care, advancing medical rehabilitation services, providing residential environments, and expanding a variety of human service programs.
The next time you need a special gift to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, remember a loved one, or to thank Allied for outstanding, compassionate care, make a contribution.
The Tree of Life program at Allied Services Hospice provides a way for your loved one's memory to live on. The Memories Forever Trees of Life are located inside our Scranton and Wilkes-Barre Hospice Centers.
When you designate a leaf as a memorial to your loved one, your contribution will help our Hospice team sustain the important mission of easing pain, providing dignity, beauty and comfort at the end of life.
Learn about the Tree of Life in:
You or your company, co-workers, or school can get involved and help support Team Allied Services. For opportunities and to learn more about Team Allied Services, head to the Team Allied Services microsite, or contact Erin Burns, Director of Devlopment, at eburns@allied-services.org
You may use your credit card to make honorary / memorial gifts online. Our technology provides a secure transaction to protect your credit card and other personal information. We will send you an electronic confirmation of your gift within 24 hours, and a formal acknowledgement letter will be mailed to you within the week.
To donate online, you will be asked for your credit card information. This information is used solely by Allied Services for processing your contribution. For your protection, all credit card information is processed through our secure website.
Allied Services Foundation
100 Abington Executive Park
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
If you would like more information about giving to Allied Services Foundation, contact us via the following:
Allied Services Foundation
100 Abington Executive Park, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Peggy Ford: