Fred G.
- Author: Fred G.
- Date Submitted: Jan 3, 2020
- Category: Inpatient Rehab

“ polio survivor Fred G. turned to Allied Services when multiple joint replacements put him in need of a rehab plan that would get him back on his feet again.”
After years of competitive weight lifting, polio survivor Fred G. turned to Allied Services when multiple joint replacements put him in need of a rehab plan that would get him back on his feet again.
When he was just 6 years old, Fred G. of Dunmore was struck with polio. Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus. While there are many symptoms of polio, paralysis is the most severe symptom because it can lead to permanent disability and death.
After becoming severely ill, Fred was placed in a local sanitarium and nearly died. After several days, Fred came round, but area doctors felt that even though he had survived, the lasting effects of polio would leave him paralyzed from the waist down. When his parents were told that he would likely become a ward of the state and live out his years at the State Hospital for Crippled Children at Elizabethtown, they were desperately seeking something better. Thankfully, a young physician near the Allentown area was having tremendous results treating victims of polio and Fred’s family made the trip, in fact, they made several. Through many years of rehabilitation, braces, and crutches, Fred was not only able to walk, but eventually able to do so without the aid of assistive devices.
Though he had some difficulties over the years and his right leg remained partially paralyzed, Fred went on to graduate from college, get married and have children. He became a school teacher after graduating from Bloomsburg University and taught in the Dunmore School District for 35 years. After retiring from his teaching career, Fred continued working for an area pharmacy. One he had worked for part-time through both his college and professional years. Just recently, after 50 years of service, Fred finally retired from the pharmacy business due to mobility issues.
During his early 30’s, at the recommendation of his doctor, Fred pursued a more active lifestyle. He joined the local YMCA and with the advice of former students and friends, became a very successful powerlifter. He gathered books to learn terms and techniques and in his own words, “it became an obsession.” That “obsession” led Fred to participate in the 1988 Paralympic Games and several other competitions where he earned state and world records in the bench press event. However, with his success came great wear and tear on his joints. Years of hard training and competing lead to the need for shoulder replacement.
Fred G working hard with Brittany Tallarico, MS, OTR/L at Allied Services Rehab Hospital in Scranton.
To date, Fred has had both shoulders replaced with his left shoulder being replaced twice. Now, an infection in the left shoulder has yet another replacement on the calendar for February 2020.
After an earlier spine surgery and with each shoulder surgery, Fred has chosen Allied Services to aid in his recovery. In fact, the inpatient rehab hospital isn’t the only area of service Fred uses for his treatment. Prior to any of his surgeries, Fred joined the Aronica Wellness Center on the Scranton Campus to maintain strength in his legs and upper body. He has utilized Allied Services Home Health after being discharged from each of his shoulder surgeries and then continues his therapy with outpatient services when he becomes well enough to travel.
“Nothing but Allied. That’s what I always tell them (physicians). They are the best at what they do and I won’t have anyone else,” notes Fred.