Jimmy B.
- Author: James B.
- Date Submitted: Sep 2, 2015

James B. of Scranton is a familiar, friendly face at Allied Services, having worked there years ago. He recently returned, but this time as a patient. On February 2, 2015, James just finished snow blowing after yet another storm; one of the many during the relentless winter of 2015. He went inside to rest after developing a headache. Two weeks later, he woke up in the ICU at Geisinger Community Medical Center in Scranton, unaware of what had happened.
At just 57 years old, James has suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke. He was on life support for 12 days, finally coming round on February 14; what his family calls a “Valentine’s Day miracle.” Unable to speak, walk, or take care of his personal needs, James was referred to Allied Services Skilled Nursing and Rehab Center in Scranton.
On admission to Allied Services, James’ doctors weren’t sure what to expect in terms of recovery. Only a month later, James was talking, walking, and starting to take care of his personal needs. His family was amazed with his progress. They couldn’t thank his group of “miracle workers” enough.
“I truly believe that this would not be the case if Jimmy had been treated anywhere else,” said his sister, Marilyn. While he was at Allied’s Skilled Nursing and Rehab Center, James’ Occupational Therapists also worked to treat his carpal tunnel symptoms. All of his doctors, nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and aides at Allied have his full gratitude. “I can’t say enough about my crew up there. I call them my A team!” said James.
Today, James is still making great strides in his recovery. He has returned home and now received outpatient therapy at Allied. He is currently working on his short term memory with his speech therapist, Danielle. James’ latest goal is to regain his vision, which was damaged by the stroke, so that he can drive again.