Linda L.
- Author: Linda L.
- Date Submitted: Apr 30, 2019
- Category: Stroke

Three or four mornings a week, you’ll find Linda L. working out at Allied Services Moscow Rehab Center. Linda loves the therapists and staff there. Although her therapy is formally completed, Linda participates in a maintenance wellness program under the supervision of the therapists at the rehab center.
“They’re not just helpful, but friendly. They gave me incentive to do better.”
Linda is no stranger to hard work and rehabilitation. In 2010, she suffered a massive stroke. She was discovered at home following a phone call that left her granddaughter concerned and anxious for her well-being. The stroke left Linda unconscious for three days. When she was well enough to leave the hospital, Linda knew that there was only one place she wanted to go: Allied Services.
Linda had previously turned to Allied Services for rehabilitation when she broke her ankle. Knowing the high quality of care she would receive, her first choice following her stroke was obvious. Linda began her post-stroke rehab at Allied Services Rehab Hospital in Scranton. She continued to make progress once at home, receiving outpatient therapy at the Moscow Rehab Center.
Linda’s recovery is remarkable. When she arrived at Allied Services, she was unable to walk, talk, read, write or perform daily activities that we often take for granted. Her therapy team immediately began working with Linda to help restore her abilities.
“I can’t give the therapists enough credit. I couldn’t write and I couldn’t read. I couldn’t read a sentence or a paragraph. I don’t know who wanted to celebrate more when I could read and write again…me or the therapist” says Linda. She admits that without them, she would not have been able to recover as quickly and that she is stronger for it.
Since her stroke, Linda has experienced other illnesses that have affected her ability to live her life to the fullest. Each time, she has chosen to put her care in the hands of the staff at Allied Services. At one point, Linda was hospitalized and was unable to immediately return home. Instead, she began her rehabilitation at Allied Services Transitional Rehab Unit in Scranton before returning home. Here, she received Home Health. Linda has also utilized the specialist care available at Allied Services Skilled Nursing & Rehab Center in Scranton.
Today, Linda feels grateful to have her independence and mobility. She admits that without the therapists at Allied Services, she would not have been able to recover as quickly from any of her illnesses. Her physical abilities have greatly improved since she began physical therapy. Linda can walk without the aid of a walker and is back to one of her favorite pass-times; reading. She loves to spend time with her daughter, son, and grandsons, all of whom live close by.
“I am very fortunate to not have a lot of mobility problems, but I still had to work for it”, she says. Linda is living proof of life after stroke, and of the power of hard work.
To learn more about stroke care at Allied Services, click here.