Ruth G.
- Author: Ruth G.
- Date Submitted: Jan 24, 2019
- Category: Parkinsons

Parkinsons – PWR – Heinz – PT
Ruth G. is a retired social worker from Wilkes-Barre. Over the course of a year, her strength and health declined and she searched for answers. Finally, in August of 2018, she received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.
“I was devastated by the diagnosis. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think there was a chance I could get better,” said Ruth.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms typically start gradually, sometimes unnoticed, and although each person with the disease will experience different symptoms, all people diagnosed with PD will suffer from some form of movement disorder whether tremors, slow movement, rigidity, or instability.
In Ruth’s case it was all of the above. As her PD symptoms worsened, Ruth found herself spending her days in a recliner unable to move and unable to ascend steps without the use of a chair glide system. Now, months after her first therapy session, Ruth has made incredible strides.
“Ruth’s progress has been phenomenal” notes Kristina Dorkoski, PT, DPT, NCS, PYT, CPI. “She has made remarkable improvements with PWR!”
Parkinson Wellness Recovery, commonly referred to as “PWR!,” is a comprehensive program that integrates the latest research on Parkinson’s disease and rehabilitation, exercise, and wellness. This type of research-based integrated exercise and wellness programming has been found to counteract motor deterioration and other symptoms of PD. The program is offered by experienced, credentialed therapists at Allied Services.
Ruth noted she never thought therapy really worked. “I hate therapy,” was what she told therapist, Sarah Reese, DPT, at her very first session in October. However, within a few sessions at the Heinz Rehab Center in Wilkes-Barre, Ruth found remarkable changes happening.
“I can go up and down my stairs without the lift. I can get out of a chair without help. They have given me my confidence back.”
“Kristina and Sarah are so ambitious and dedicated, and so full of life. They stay with me and work with me. It is a remarkable program that has changed my life and I know I am in the right place.” – Ruth Gonzalez.
To learn more about PWR and other Parkinson’s disease therapy programs at Allied Services click here.