Updated 04.12.2020.
We know that the spread of COVID-19 has disrupted many of our employees' workplaces. The amount and type of paid time off you are eligible to use will depend on your current work situation. The following is information about the use of paid time off due specifically during the COVID-19 crisis. It is intended for employees who are part of a divisions that are still operational, have not closed and did not experience a lay off.
Click here for Paid Time Off Policy.
Employees in Pennsylvania unable to work because of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may be eligible for Unemployment Compensation benefits. The Department of Labor & Industry will continue to provide important employment benefit updates as the situation evolves.
You may be eligible if:
Important info:
You will need the information on this form when filing for Unemployment Compensation.
I'm working and getting a paycheck. Can I make changes to my deductions?
If you have a paycheck from Allied Services during this time, you will continue to have your benefit deductions withheld. If you wish to momentarily stop your Health Savings Account, please email Dana Katilus at dkatil@allied-services.org. If you wish to momentarily stop your 401k contribution, please contact Lincoln Financial at 1-800-234-3500. You will need to reactivate these deductions when you wish for them to start again.
I'm using paid time off. Will I still accrue benefit time?
As long as you have 40 hours of paid time off within a 2 week pay period, you will accrue time. If you use 80 hours of paid time off in a 2 week pay period, you will have your normal accruals. If you use between 40-79, you will receive pro-rated accruals.
I'm not working. How is my health insurance is affected?
If you are not able to work and are NOT using benefit time (i.e. you are not getting a paycheck) and/or you are receiving Unemployment Compensation, you will still be eligible for health insurance. As of 3.24.2020, your health insurance will continue until the end of April at which point it will be reevaluated. Missed deductions can be made up when you return to work. If you are working a temporarily reduced schedule due to Allied Services disruption of business operations or receiving full paid time off or partial paid time off in combination with no pay, your benefits will continue based on your regular status until the end of April at which point it will be re-evaluated.
I'm not working and I'm considering filing for unemployment. Can I use paid time off while I'm receiving Unemployment Compensation?
Yes, you can use paid time off and Unemployment Compensation. For example, you can use paid time off one week and claim Unemployment Compensation for one week. Or use some paid time off and some Unemployment Compensation at the same time. There are limits to how much of each type of benefit you can use together. Click here to read more about Partial Benefit Credit or visit https://www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment-benefits/benefits-information/Pages/Partial-Benefit-Credit.aspx