Since 1959, the Vocational Services Division has existed to give individuals with disabilities the opportunity to achieve their full social, vocational, and economic potential. Through specialized training and supervision, individuals learn key work-related skills, allowing them to earn a real wage for a real job. Our employees gain a sense of pride and accomplishment in their achievements and our customers benefit from a trained and eager work force capable of producing consistently high quality work. We currently provide services to over 500 individuals with disabilities.
The Vocational Services Division provides training and employment opportunities at two vocational centers in Scranton, at the Burnley Workshop in Stroudsburg, and at various satellite locations and partner businesses in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Our facilities boast 80,000 square feet of production and warehouse space. We have provided custodial services since 1986 and are currently contracted to perform custodial services for approximately 1 million square feet of space. This includes custodial services at Tobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, the Federal Building & Courthouse, Scranton, the Social Security Administration Building, Wilkes-Barre, and the Naval Reserve Center, Avoca. In addition, we provide landscaping services for over 100 acres of land.
Our satisfied customers and partners include: Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply, Department for Motor Vehicles, Gentex Corporation, HarperCollins Publishers, Sanofi Pasteur, and Tobyhanna Army Depot.
The Vocational Services Division offers a range of services to Individuals with disabilities looking to develop vocational skills and gain employment. All facilities are licensed and monitored by the Department of Public Welfare and the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
William Warren Work Center in Scranton
Burnley Employment & Resources in Stroudsburg
A comprehensive vocational training and employment service for individuals with disabilities. Participants enrolled in the program receive training, supervision and a wage for working at our two vocational centers in Scranton and the Burnley Workshop in Stroudsburg. In addition to work-specific training, individuals also participate in developmental activities designed to enhance their capabilities in communication, work awareness, social awareness, world awareness, functional life skills and physical fitness. All individuals receive the benefit of the skills and experience of our Interdisciplinary Team who coordinate activities to the needs and goals of the individual. Eligibility: individuals must have a cognitive, mental or physical impairment and be 16 years of age (with working papers) or older. For information please call 570-341-2211.
A program for individuals with disabilities seeking competitive employment in the community. Individuals entering the program are assessed and matched with an appropriate job, taking into consideration the individual’s interests and skills. Workers receive training on the job until they are confident and can work independently. Long term support is provided to assist individuals in maintaining employment. Eligibility: Referrals may come via the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, other Social Services agencies and through self-referral. Individuals must have a cognitive, mental or physical impairment and be 18 years of age or older. For information please call
570-348-2211.A training program which gives individuals the necessary skills for employment in the janitorial trade. Individuals enrolled in the program receive training in supportive, supervised environments at various locations, including Allied Services facilities. Eligibility: individuals must have a cognitive, mental or physical impairment and be 16 years of age (with working papers) or older. For information please call 570-348-5379.
An employment program for individuals with disabilities that possess advanced custodial training and experience. Individuals working in the Janitorial Employment Program earn competitive wages for custodial work performed at a variety of community based locations including the Tobyhanna Army Depot (Tobyhanna), Federal Building (Scranton) and Social Security Building (Wilkes-Barre). Eligibility: individuals must have a cognitive, mental or physical impairment, be 18 years of age or older. For information please call 570-348-5379.
All individuals entering our programs will be assessed to determine their needs, capabilities and interests. Our interdisciplinary team determines the training program or employment opportunity that will best suit the individual, and work with the individual and their family to set personal goals.
Our programs embrace the principles of Positive Approaches, supporting individuals to grow, to develop, to achieve their personal goals, to develop relationships and to enjoy life as fully participating members of the community. All staff receive classroom and on-the-job training to best equip them to work with our individuals and to keep them up to date on treatment modalities. The progress of individuals in the Work Services Program is determined via quarterly and annual reviews. Progress reviews can also be conducted at the discretion of members from the Interdisciplinary Team with input from family members.
Our partnership programs provide local businesses, state and federal operations with access to quality products and affordable services. By partnering with Allied’s Vocational Services Division, your business can a.) save money by having work completed without the expense of hiring and training additional staff b.) receive high quality work assured by our thorough inspection process c.) have work completed and delivered on time d.) benefit from our competitive pricing.
Partnering with Allied not only makes great business sense, it also gives individuals with disabilities the opportunity to learn key life and employment skills while earning a wage. Our employees are proud to be working and happy to be paid for the work they do.
Allied Services’ Vocational Division offers an array of services for your business:
The Vocational Services Division prides itself on the consistent high quality of our work. Our equipment is modified so that our employees can operate it safely and efficiently and additional inspection measures are introduced to ensure accuracy and quality. Our customers are guaranteed high quality, accurate work.