Dawn Van Horn, MS,PT
- Primary Specialties: Aquatic Therapy, Arthritis Treatment, Arthritis Treatment, Outpatient, Back & Neck, Back & Neck, Outpatient, Gait Disorders, Gait Disorders, Outpatient, Injury Rehab, Injury Rehab, Outpatient, Joint Replacement Rehab, Lymphedema, Lymphedema, Outpatient, Orthopedics, Outpatient, Physical Rehabilitation, Outpatient, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy, Outpatient, Scoliosis, Scoliosis, Outpatient, Sports Medicine, Sports Medicine, Outpatient
- Additional Specialty: Aquatic Therapy, Outpatient
- Gender: Female
About Dawn
Dawn Van Horn, MS, PT, joined Allied Services in 2005. She has experience in treating both Home Health and outpatient rehab settings.
Dawn holds advanced certifications including Certifications in the Hesch Method treatment of the pelvis, LVST Big and Loud for the treatment of Parkinson's, and C1 and C2 level certification in the Scroth-Barcelona Method of Scoliosis treatment. She is PWR!Moves certified for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
- College
Misericordia University
East Stroudsburg University
Medical Interests
Areas of Interest:
- Parkinson's disease
- Scoliosis treatment